
ONLINE Meditations just for you !

Month of December new cycle Online Meditations for Developing Personal Potentials by cutting the ties that bind us method by Phyllis Crystal

Phyllis Crystal (1914-2016) is a psychotherapist from the Jung and Erickson School, author of numerous books as well as the creator of the psychological techniques for freeing the false identity and negative programming we build throughout our lives.

The purpose of this method is to gain experience of internal processes that unconsciously prevent us from creating a free and authentic relationship with the people around us as well as with ourselves. Through this method we will learn how to rely on the inner source of security and wisdom. The method consists of a set of symbols and creative visualization, through which the liberation from the old relationships and patterns of behavior that we have received from our parents, siblings and / or other important people or roles that we play in our lives is achieved.

The foundation of Phyllis Crystal’s method is to establish a connection with higher consciousness (Higher Conciseness). She says that our subconscious contains everything that happened to us from our earliest age and that we do not consciously remember, but that with the help of the method each of us can come to the experience or role that we have taken unconsciously. and on the basis of which we have made a decision that still affects our lives. Those unconscious decisions are our inner energy connections through which we are still connected to people, situations, events and which prevent us from leading an authentic and healthy life.

Welcome to a different approach and view of yourself, where in the process of self-observation you will get personal insight into the roles and relationships you play using this method, so you can see your “cards” with which you entered the game called life !

# 1 Date 6 December 2020 (Sunday) 20.00
Topic: Meditation on your Akasha (ether) records

# 2 Date 13 December 2020 (Sunday) 20.00
Topic: Meditation to calm your monkey mind

# 3 Date 20 December 2020 (Sunday) 20.00
Topic: Meditation to free yourself from controlling habits

# 4 Date 27 December 2020 (Sunday) 20.00
Topic: Meditation to free yourself from the fears of 2020 and set new decisions and plans for 2021

Duration of the workshop is 2 hours

The workshop will be conducted through the ZOOM platform. To participate you need to have stable internet, access to Zoom via computer or mobile and most importantly from a quiet place where you can isolate yourself for 2 hours from home and responsibilities.

Contact and applications: healthyyogaskopje@gmail.com viber 070.234.740

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