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Journey to Inner Peace through Family Constellations
Faith, Love and Hope in Dolno Sonje - Journey into the Family and Collective Unconscious Dear friends and lovers of the healthy...
Healthy Yoga celebrates 10 years of activities for better mental, spiritual and physical health
Practitioners say that the experience with Healthy Yoga exercises helps them cope with stress, improve their physical…
Yoga in Qeret – A journey that transforms!
For a long time I have been thinking about what title to put on the event that I hold once or twice a year, at sea or...
Conscious Breathing: Find peace in the chaos around you with this story from the Buddha
There is an ancient text called the Kayagatasati Sutta, or the Sutra for Contemplating the Body, in the Body. In this…
Find your peace: Yoga in the mountains
Do you want to connect with nature and yourself at the same time? Do you see yourself exercising in nature…
Get to know Macedonia to love it more - Yoga and Wellness vacation in October 2024 in Krusevo
Join the 3-day active YOGA RETREAT in October 2024, which will be held in Krushevo Date: 10th to...
Healthy spirituality: Benefits of spiritual self-exploration
Spirituality encompasses beliefs and practices that are deeply personal and subjective. It represents an essential part of our human existence, starting...
"Mental - Detox" Weekend challenge with Biljana Pesheva
Participate in the free weekend challenge and INCREASE AWARENESS of your MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH February 16, 17, 18, 2024, from 20.00...
Activate your good karma and transform your life
When someone says the word "karma" in the West, people usually think that it is related to bad actions.
Announcement of the Healthy Yoga Retreat in May
Plan your days off at the end of MAY 2024 with time and come with us on the 18th (the eighteenth) Healthy YOGA…