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What energy does your intelligence have?
For years, people have been measuring theirs IQ the so-called IQ, in order to get proof of how "smart" they are. In some social circles, they believe that a high IQ means prestige and power. Considering the fact that IQ represents a person's ability to think and reason logically at the same time, having a high IQ would mean that one is very smart. But why then do people with high IQs have mental and/or social problems?
Whether you are looking for a life partner or a new employee for your company, to judge whether someone is complete as a person, apart from IQ, you need to assess in the chosen person: coefficient of eemotional intelligence EQ and the coefficient of cital intelligence VQ.
These two new indicators are indicators of basic potentials that a person has, which directly affect the way a person lives his life, how he works, what enthusiasm he has, how he communicates, etc. From the degree of development of these two indicators, we can in some way determine the winning, banal or losing attitude of the person about himself, about life, about work or partners.
So, in order to be in harmony with yourself and the environment, it is no longer important to have a high IQ, but to also have a high EQ and VQ. In fact, as with everything in life, the trick is to create a balance of these three "energies".
What is kthe coefficient of cItalian intelligentsia – VQ ?
To understand what we are talking about here, let's take the example of our organism which is a system in which all the organs (heart, brain, stomach, etc.) work together to keep you alive. However, although we all have the same content in us, the tendency to live is not the same in all of us. Some people seem to have a greater appetite for life, are impatient, assertive, dynamic, take risks, are more unstable than other people, etc. For these people we say that they have a high degree of Vital Intelligence. Why? Because our degree of vital intelligence is a basic indicator of our identity! It defines the degree to which we are motivated to cultivate our life plan, it is what drives us from within and pushes us to take action and then we act. Our Vital Intelligence is our appetite for life ! If we have an extremely low VQ, we will constantly try to avoid difficult situations, because we will not have the energy to face them. On the other hand, a low VQ is important because it provides us with basic control and patience, especially when we face challenges and difficulties in life.
But do you know that vital intelligence is raised by regular practice of exercises for physical and mental health, here is an example such as yoga.
What is the coefficient of emotional andntelligence EQ ?
Emotions are manifested through communication. We usually understand communication as a rational process, by which some information is transmitted through words. But why then is the information being forgotten or misunderstood. This is because verbal communication goes through our emotions or feelings. And nemotions are onhin which we inform thembwe rest others for progress in our life.
All our emotions indicate different aspects of our life and our emotional intelligence coefficient measures the overall potential to continue living regardless of whether we have succeeded in it or not. The more positive EQ we have, the better mood we are in and the greater our chance to survive and expand. EQ shows the degree of thesew emotions in now and here momentfrom. But let's not forget that they are changeable and will certainly be different in some future time.
Now, since your own emotions inform you about what level you are at with your life goals, they are reflected in your work and personal life. Thus, everything that happens to you, progress or declines in personal or work, affects your emotions and thus creates new ones. Consciously or unconsciously, people manifest those emotions wherever they are. Through them you tell your partner, manager or friend how you are in life, whether good or bad. This is exactly why emotions are a critical step in communication.
Hence to create balance in your life and have good communication, you can increase your EQ and VQ, in one of the following ways:
- If you are a fan of long conversations and analysis, you can go to events where there is an exchange of experiences and energy with people similar to your needs such as retreats, drupees for growth and development, dancing.. etc) and increase yours emotional intelligence EQ
- If you are not a fan of talking about your emotions, sharing or socializing, there are a number of techniques that you can use to analyze yourself and work on increasing your vital intelligence VQ. I would single her out THE YOGA , because by practicing yoga exercises you can see your own emotions and channel your needs and increase your vital force.
Hence I suggest you to join from this JUNE, on Morning Yoga Rituals which will be held ONLINE in working days, in the morning from 6.45 to 7.10 - Yoga exercises and tasks to improve your mental health and intelligence!
We must not ignore emotions and vital energy, neither in ourselves nor in others. The faces of our interlocutors speak to us, their enthusiasm or resistance as well, just as we "speak" to them, through our face and body! The skill of being able to "read" the interlocutor is unconsciously developed by some, while others develop it consciously through personal growth and development.
However, everything can be learned and changed in life, only if you want it enough! A If you need motivation and inspiration for that, join mine morning yoga classes which begin on June 3, 2024
Biljana Pesheva
Professional trainer for adults and yoga instructor in Healthy YOGA