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EFT-Tapping workshop
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a world-famous technique, also known as "Tapping", which began to spread around the world sometime in the eighties of the twentieth century thanks to Gary Krang, its creator, an engineer by profession and a lover of a healthy lifestyle.
Because of its simplicity, EFT is even more widely known as a self-help technique and is mostly used in educational, counseling and coaching sessions.
This technique is based on contact with the body's own energy system, which is specific and different for each person. Through a very simple procedure, this imbalance is corrected and permanent or partial release from accumulated negative emotions in your physical body is achieved.
The basis of this technique lies in alternative medicine and in that part of it that connects the Mind and the Body. This technique combines the body contact found in acupuncture and the insights found in conventional psychotherapy. But in this process, no needles are used, but you tap with your fingertips on a precisely determined acupuncture point, while you mentally focus on a specific event from the past.
The energy system in our body was already known before 5000 years BC. and all Chinese and Eastern medicine is based on that knowledge.
The life energy known in the East as "chi" or "prana" flows through our energy body along invisible channels or meridians. On these meridians there are 300 points that are used in acupuncture, which in turn lead to an internal organ (kidney, heart...) and thus to a certain emotion (sadness, fear...). Through this technique, these points are tapped and liberation from the blocked energy is achieved.
It is important to mention that EFT always targets negative feelings so that they can be neutralized, because they create energy disturbances that can later bring diseases (physical, psychosomatic...). Most people tend to put old and painful memories "under the carpet", but this technique helps that after you focus on negative memories or feelings for a short time, they are neutralized and the natural energy body balance is restored.
You should know that EFT is not a magic cure that will solve all your problems. EFT can be a good start on how to get in touch with yourself and your energy system, without talking to or working with a psychotherapist or doctor. Keep in mind that if you have been exposed to a trauma for a long time or have a medically diagnosed disease, you should definitely seek professional help.
Maintenance date February 26 (Saturday) Time 20:00, ONLINE